Tuesday 28 June 2011

Introduction to A2 Media Studies

Welcome back to my blog for the A2 part of Media Studies. 
This year, I am going to work on how to develop the skills I have learnt in the first year of media to a higher extent and I am also going to use them in a more advanced way in the production work which will then lead to me getting a higher grade overall with which in the end I will be proud of. To do this I am going to develop the ability on how I produce the work and also how I present it on the blog. This is because as well as the work I produce, the presentation of it is as important.
During the first year of media studies I learnt many new things and skills which I didn’t know in the past as I have never studied it before however after the first year I have picked up many new abilities which will also help me outside of school but for this moment will help me pass this course with grades that I am satisfied with.
Hope you enjoy the blog! J

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