Saturday 31 December 2011

Costumes - The Victim

The victim is young so we didn't want him to be wearing something that didn't suit his age. We wanted to have him look quite fashionable yet has the whole bad boy attitude showing as well. As he if from the good side, we wanted him to wear colors which aren't too bright but show that he is a bubbly kind child.

The following are the clothing's that we chose for him:

  • A hoodie which isn't plain but has some sort of pattern on it such as stripes 

  • Tracksuit bottoms (Grey or blue)

  • Trainers (Black or White)

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Costumes - The Antagonist

The clothes that the actors will be wearing and very significant as this also reflects other factors such as their personality or their character in whole. We also wanted the costumes to reflect back on the character so that the audience can differentiate between the two actors.

As the antagonist isn't a good person and is supposed to be someone who does bad deeds and is the evil person, we wanted him to wear dark colored clothing. Colors such as black, brown and dark blue will show this. However we needed to make sure that the costumes are fit for that time period as well such as if were filming in the dark and the actor was wearing a black hoodie then the audience will not be able to tell the difference and wont know what is going on.

These are the items that we have decided would be best for our antagonist to wear:

  • A hoodie (Preferably dark blue or grey.) 

  • Jeans (Black or grey)

  • Gloves (Black - leather)

  • Boots (Black or brown)

Sunday 25 December 2011


For our trailer, we only needed two characters which will be playing in the roles of the antagonist and the victim in the film. When we first started to look for people to play in the roles, we started to experience the same problems as last year and we were unable to find some reliable or someone who is free when we needed them.

We thought that it would be best if we could ask our family members to be in the film as this way we know that we can rely on them without them backing out on us last minute. At first we chose to use my cousin to be in the film as the victim and we had the shooting schedules planned out with him so that he knew which days to help us. However during December, he joined a school in another city and therefore would not be able to help us. We then only had 3 weeks to look for another actor to play the victim. In the end, we used my partners little brother who agreed immediately to play the victim.

The antagonist is going to be played by my partners dad who kindly agreed to be in it as he knew how much we struggle to find actors last year and wanted to help us so that we do not stress over the same problem again. This worked out well with us as we knew we could count on them and not have any problems with our filming schedules and if needed we could film with them again if necessarily.

Friday 23 December 2011


We created a storyboard so that we know what we will need to do in every scene and can have everything prepared for that scene. This gave us a rough idea of how we are going to plan out how the trailer will look in the end.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Chosen Story Idea

The story that we have chosen to do is The Hood in the Wood. I found that this idea would be quite easy to do yet very effective and appealing if produced right. I thought the plot of the story is interesting and isn't your typical story that you find in every film.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Story Idea - Attack of the Killer Balloons

This idea is about a disease which has been brought from outer space. This disease then spreads throughout the whole earth slowly. It is unknown how it came or how it was started in the first but that it was created by some sort of bacteria. The cause of it is also unknown and as there isnt a cure for it; panic is created all over the world. 

The disease itself bacteria which is in a balloon shape and attacks its victims by the balloon bursting in front of them releasing a lethal toxic gas that burns its victims. Once they are melted they slowly are dissolved and they are also become part of the disease and are transformed into a lethal balloon.  

Shots that we could use: 

Sunday 18 December 2011

Story Idea - The Hood in the Wood

For this idea, we wanted to keep thing simple yet it still blows your mind away. This film will be about strange sightings in a park which no one can tell what they are. This will create panic as people start to go missing and unexplained acts happen. When people try to capture images with their cameras, nothing shows up but a black smudge. 

Thursday 15 December 2011

Story Idea - Rise of the Dead

For our next idea, we wanted something a little more creative. This idea is about is a group of people who are obsessed with the Satan and worship it greatly. This is mainly due to them being madly obsessed with violent and supernatural video games and films. They don't pay much attention to studies and are failing as college students. They decide that one day, they want to contact the devil and so go round to the graveyard as they feel that they will be closer there to it. However when they start summoning, instead of the devil they rise the dead.

Its up to them to save the day and as they have so much knowledge on this situation due to video games and films, they go on a mission to destroy these zombies. At first they try many different techniques in how to kill a zombie by stabbing them in the heart and blowing off their heads. In the end, the figure out the only way to kill them is to shoot their kneecaps which paralyses them.

The ending is sad as they all eventually die however before they die they produce a journal which consists of their mission and a 'how to kill a zombie' guide for others to read and do the same so they survive.

Shots we could use:

Monday 12 December 2011

Horror Trailer - Grudge

Grudge is a supernatural horror film produced by Takashi Shimizu and is a remake of a Japanese film Ju-on: The Grudge. Grudge is about a curse which was is born into the world when someone dies in a violent or in powerful rage. Its one of the most scariest films of all time. 

The trailer starts off with a chilling sound and the image of the production line. It then goes on to show a house when some writing appears on pure white background saying 'in the grip of a powerful rage' which is done so that they can capture their audience's attention and so that they focus all their minds on the house shown. It then goes straight to someones screams and someone putting their hand into water which from the audience's point of view seems as if they are trying to grab the audience. Someone is screaming yet that image of whats actually happening is covered to keep the audience guessing and in suspense. The writing is shown again and the purpose of this is to let the audience know is what the film is going to be about but not letting them know whats behind it. The main actress is then introduced and and she is talking over the trailer so that we know the film is about her and from her point of view. We see various different clips of her with strange things in the background hinting to the audience of whats there.Time to time disturbing pictures of people come up which is supposed to scare the audience yet its so effective that you still want to watch ahead. The music builds up suddenly and then we see an image of a hand in the actress's hair which is quite disturbing and scary. The name of the film pops in white over a black background and then suddenly it goes back to that image with the girl getting scared and looking back to see.

This trailer was really scary and terrifying yet I still wanted to watch it know what happens as it was so effective and attracting due to the mysteriousness of it. Its not your typical kind of horror film when their is a killer on the loose but its supernatural and something that cannot be explained making it more appealing to the audience. 

Friday 9 December 2011

Horror Trailer - Paranormal Activity 2

Paranormal activity is a parallel prequel produced by Tod Williams. It broke many box offices when it came out on 22nd of October at midnight. It instantly became a hit and scared thousands across the world in cinemas which has been recorded. The trailer only lasts for 1minute and 13seconds. The whole trailer is in black and white and not one word is spoken however there are screams from time to time.

It begins with a slow but loud thumping sound almost sounding like a heartbeat in a black background when suddenly there is a scream and someone is thrown at the camera which instantly scares you. The person falls down and the camera is also shown to have fallen as its now at a slanted angle when it slowly starts to zoom in on a door and then some writing appears saying 'In 2009, you demanded it' which is directly linking it to the audience as its talking to them. It then goes on to show people in a cinema supposedly watching the first film when suddenly someone is looks directly in to the camera leading to people in the cinemas to scream. Images of different parts of the house is shown from a camera. More writing comes up still for the audience to read as if its being said to them. We then suddenly see a woman appearing out of nowhere standing infront of a doorway. The name of the film comes up in a flashing sort of way with the '2' being emphasized on. The end scene is back to the same room with it being empty.

Personally this trailer was quite terrifying however i still wanted to watch the film as it wasn't the typical horror movies that you see. The whole atmosphere seems different especially as its been shown from the cameras point of view. Its a simple yet a powerful trailer which stays on your mind for a long time.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Shooting Schedule

We want to start to do the filming of our trailer in January time. This is because this is when we have the permission to use the location that we need. It should take us up to 6weeks to film according to the timetable of both me and my partner as well as our actors that will be in the trailer. 

It is important for us to know which days we will film as we can be prepared and our actors will know in advance when they will not be free so they don't unexpectedly make any plans on that day and time. 

Week 1
Lesson 5
The Gables
Week 2
Lesson 5
The Gables
Week 3
Lesson 2
Week 4
Lesson 5
Week 5
Lesson 5
The Gables
Week 6
Lesson 2
The Gables

Monday 5 December 2011

Target Audience

It is important to know what our target audience is ranging from so that we are able to construct our film according to this. We have decided that we want quite a wide range as we don't want to restrict to a more smaller range of people as we want to attract people with different kinds of interest that like horror films.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Trailers (Horror)

As I have chosen to do a horror film, I am going to look into a couple of more horror trailers to get a better insight of how they are produced. I am going to see which techniques they use to catch their audience's attention so that I can also use them in my trailer. This would be best to see how horror trailers differentiate between other genres and whether or not they use any unique kinds of strategies to attract their audience.

Friday 2 December 2011

Shooting Location - The Gables

For our trailer, we needed a large field in which would be a part of the trailer. We looked at various different fields around oxford that would be perfect and right for our trailer to be filmed in. Eventually we decided that we liked a field which is close by to my partners grandma's house and so we asked permission if we were allowed to use it. The owned was kind enough to let us use his field as he knew my partner and so didn't mind as long as we picked up after our mess and did not cause any problems. 

The field is known as The Gables.

Trailer Analysis - The Pacifier

The Pacifier is prodcued by Adam Shankman. The trailer overall lasts for 2minutes and 23 seconds. The film is about a man who is a tough yet professional Navy S.E.A.L who has been successful in all of his missions in different parts of the globe. However his most toughest mission to date is when he has to look after a bunch of kids which he has never done before and has the added stress of having to find out where a secret project is hidden. 

The trailer has a male narrator talking over it who is mainly focused on talking about the main actor. The narrator introduces the actor with an image of him standing in front of the Navy sign. This is done so that the audiece are able to get to the character. Throughout the whole trailer the narrator talks about the main actor and fills the audience in with the characters personality. 

It starts off with the main actor being introduced about who he is and what he does as a job. He is portrayed as a tough and strict man who's life evolves around his work which is filled with action which is done by the quick scenes at the start with him swerving the car and doing dangerous missions. However he then gets a mission which is the most difficult one he has done in his life. Ironically it involves him having to take care of children which is the opposite of what he is trained for with his sensitive side having to be introduced which he himself as a character is not aware of. It then goes into a calmer mode with the comedy side of the film being shown with his parts with the kids. The narrator also stops with the serious tone and goes more hip and funny yet at all times he is still talking about him and his work. Throughout the trailer it also highlights his relationships with the children who are also part of the main plot as they help with bringing out his sensitive side. It ends with a funny moment where one of the kids is happy to get safely out of the car as he is mad driver. 

I found that this trailer was quite appealing to me and would encourage me to watch the film in cinemas. This is because I like comedy and this trailer shows the various humorous scenes so that I know that I am going to find what I want. 

Thursday 1 December 2011

Shooting Location - Begbroke

The other location that we will be using is another field and is also close to the other location spot which will be filming in and so therefore works well for us. This location is called the Begbroke and the fields have been known to have pest problems.