Sunday 25 December 2011


For our trailer, we only needed two characters which will be playing in the roles of the antagonist and the victim in the film. When we first started to look for people to play in the roles, we started to experience the same problems as last year and we were unable to find some reliable or someone who is free when we needed them.

We thought that it would be best if we could ask our family members to be in the film as this way we know that we can rely on them without them backing out on us last minute. At first we chose to use my cousin to be in the film as the victim and we had the shooting schedules planned out with him so that he knew which days to help us. However during December, he joined a school in another city and therefore would not be able to help us. We then only had 3 weeks to look for another actor to play the victim. In the end, we used my partners little brother who agreed immediately to play the victim.

The antagonist is going to be played by my partners dad who kindly agreed to be in it as he knew how much we struggle to find actors last year and wanted to help us so that we do not stress over the same problem again. This worked out well with us as we knew we could count on them and not have any problems with our filming schedules and if needed we could film with them again if necessarily.

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