Sunday 19 February 2012

Production logo

My production logo:

Coming up with ideas for the logo was quite fun/ At first we were going to use the one that we created last year but change the image of it so that its different but still part of the same production. However, we felt that it would best to change it to try something new and fun. This is because last year we create out logo by hand and uploaded and manipulated it on Photoshop. This year we have much more knowledge on the software and how to use the different tools and so wanted to create the image directly on Photoshop.

After brainstorming ideas, my partner came up with an idea of 'Two-Two Mirror productions' which I really liked and felt was different and unique. Though its quite simple, its really effective and stands out. As we have the used the word mirror in it, we wanted to use this in the logo to show the mirror imagery. All we had to do was decide when mirror would go. Though the different angles we came up with were also good, we liked the horizontal one the best as it had more simplicity on it.

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