Total Film is a film magazine produced in Britain and is published every 4 weeks in total producing 13 magazines a year. The magazine is the second biggest seller in the UK in the film magazines.The film magazine consists of the latest movie updates that will be coming out, reviews of films and it also allows their audience there chance to win certain films.
- The title of the magazine 'Total Film' appears in every magazine the same font and the same font size. This is because this is their title logo and is how their audience can recognize it from anywhere. The color of it is most of the time white however from time to time they change the color to something else such as red or blue.
- On every cover there is an image which is from a movie which is most of the time being the latest release out. This is done to bring the audience's attention to this film but also as they usually have a big story inside about it. The image usually covers the whole magazine however at times they create it a bit smaller so that they can fit other mini pictures on.
- There is small quotes or subheadings on the front to highlight the main stories which are going to be inside. They pick the story pieces which they think that will attract their customers the most.
- As they always to keep attracting customers, they try different market techniques and the best known one they use is certain offers they have on films which are splattered around the page somewhere. These offers are in bright and bold colors to really catch the customers eye but they don't want to emphasize too much on it as this encourages the customers to read the actual magazine.
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