Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Introduction to research and planning

Now that we have chosen a brief which we will be working on, we now need to start work on the research and planning part of the coursework which is important if we want to be able to produce our film to the highest standard. While looking at the work I did for AS, I feel that I didn’t do the research and planning piece in as much depth that I should have which would probably give me more marks. This is because last year I wasn’t that organised and that I should have made a plan/list of what I need to do and when to do it before I start which helps keep me on task and it also helps me on knowing what I’m supposed to be doing, when and in which order. This benefits me in many ways as I know what I need to complete so that I am able to make decisions with full knowledge, this also helps with my time keeping as it gives me an idea of how much I need to complete to a certain time so that I don’t waste too much time on something which isn’t as important.
Whilst doing this I will be able to check off what I have already completed. By doing this, I will also be keeping my blog in a neat and organised order which will not confuse me while I am doing the work. It will also not confuse my teacher and the exam board whilst they are marking the work and so will be able to see what I have done, where and whether it makes sense over time if done in the correct order.
Making the list is very handy as when I complete the work, I will be ticking off what I have done so that I know it’s been done. As well as it being on the blog, I will keep a copy to myself so that I can personally rule out what I have done without having to change it in the blog making it messy. At the end of the research and planning I will create the same list again and re-check the work I have done and tick it off again once I’ve done this so that I know that I have done and checked the work as I will be able to change any mistakes been made. Also while I am doing the work, if needed I can add more things of which I need to do while I work however leave some time at the end so I can complete this.
The plan/list is in the next post!  J

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