Sunday 25 September 2011

Existing products – Posters

As part of our coursework we had to do two ancillary tasks alongside the main piece of coursework. One of our ancillary tasks is to produce a poster for the film and so therefore to get good knowledge on how to produce a poster for my film, I researched up on the different kinds of posters there are. Once again I looked at posters from the different genres so that I can see how they are produced and if the genre of the film has effect on the poster itself. By doing this research I will hopefully have an idea in how I will construct my own poster which will also have to be relevant to the trailer I will produce.
The different genres will also help me in deciding which genre I will choose for my trailer as this is essential when producing a film/trailer in general. Though personally I feel that creating a trailer in the horror genre would probably be the easiest to construct, I still would want the option to create one from other genres such as comedy as I would find this quite interesting to do.

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