Wednesday 21 September 2011

Rough plan/list of what to do in research and planning

Things I need to do:

·         Research up on the different genres
·         Look up on short films varying from these different genres
·         Analyse the different types of short films
·         Pick a genre which we want to work with and go in depth with it
·         Research on short films within that genre
·         Analyse the work done by other A2 students and done by professionals
·         Research on target audiences
·         Compare the audience of the film to what’s allowed to be shown in it
·         Choose the target audience I want to aim my film at
·         Produce a questionnaire so that I can get a better view of what the audience wants
·         Research in depth of the camera angles/shots
·         Analyse how directors use the different shots

(More to come.. )

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