Thursday 27 October 2011

Creating the poster

After getting a much better insight on what is on a poster, we wanted to use these tchniques to produce our poster. Star appeal which is used when a famous actor/actress is put on the poster to attract their audience which is a poweful technique as you instanlt get attracted to the poster. As we are not using any famous actors/actresses, we will be using strong and powerfull imagery which would be in the film. This needs to be eye catching and bold so that the audience will look at it and be persuaded to watch the film.

To create the poster, we found some imagery of a dark forest which we then would manipulate on Photoshop. Before we started however, we chose other unrelated images to play around with to get to know the different tools on it. The effects we liked best will be used on our poster for the film.

Whilst creating the poster, we had get some inspiration of other posters and see which kinds of quotes they use and are attracting. We wanted the audience to feel that it the next biggest release coming out but we still wanted to leave mystery on what the story is about and so didn't use any images that would predict the plot. We also wanted the wording to sound as if the film is being bragged about but we wanted to use comedy for those more into laughs and so added a couple of funny words and quotes. 

We wanted to use dark colors that would also reflect blood and killing and so decided to use red and black as they made the perfect match for this emotion. These colors created a chilling effect and stood out which worked well for us. However there was some problem in getting the right shade which would match everything such as the actual image and the film title. 

To make it look like a real poster, we also had to add in credits at the bottom. This made the poster look realistic and was the finishing touch for the poster. The release date was also significant to let our audience when the film is coming out.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Poster Analysis - Land of the Lost

  • Overall the poster gives away what the film is most likely going to be about yet the is still stands outs. This is because the background colors are quite appealing as they present a mysterious dark atmosphere. 
  • The quote at the bottom 'Right Place, Wrong Time' is quite humorous as people in general usually use the phrase 'Wrong Place, Wrong Time' yet this is trying to imply they were supposed to be there even though the title is called land of lost which is quite ironic. 
  • The director is also showing the humorous side with the characters as they are all making serious yet funny faces which is trying to point out that its got its comedy which will keep the audience happy. 
  • The background image collaborates with the name of the film as its supposed to be a lost land and in the image its showing a lonely dark place with no one about. 

Saturday 15 October 2011

Poster Analysis - The Tuxedo

  • The use of the colors are quite effective as though they are not too bright or bold, they still are able to catch the audience attention by the color mix of green and blue which together work well to create a great color scheme.
  • The artistic image at the background which is quite modernized as its being done on a computer is quite powerful and is able to attract the audience without them realizing it as its in the background. This goes on to also been shown on the actors shoes showing there is a connection. 
  • The film title is also showing what the film is about which is quite a cheeky trick with the 'U' having a bow-tie on it so that the audience automatically knows there is a connection with the tuxedo. 
  • The female actor is standing beside the actor suggesting that she is his sidekick or partner. 
  • As an audience, we know the film will have some sort of action in it as the actor has his foot up in the air as if hes about to kick someone yet he is still smiling showing the sensitive comedy side to it. 

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Poster Analysis - Pretty Woman

  • The poster is quite simple as it only shows the two main actors and the title of the film however it's still quite effective and stands out with the use of the large bright colored font and the full size image of the actors.
  • The male actor is wearing a black suit which is quite elegant and smart looking. This suggests that maybe the actor is a businessman and leads quite a fancy lifestyle. 
  •  The actress is very much the opposite of the actor as she is presented in a less elegant way and is shown to be of a street girl living life on the edge. 
  •  The phrase 'opposites attract' comes to mind when seeing this image. This is because both the characters are presented in different ways which suggests a little about their characters and lifestyles however they are still connected with their bodies stuck together back to back implying they cannot be apart.
  •  The female actress is shown to have more power over the actor as she is the one holding on to his tie and pulling him towards her. This implies that in the film she could be the more controlling one however this doesn't necessarily mean in physical terms but could be implied in both mental and emotional terms.  
  • The title stands out quite abit as its in a bright pink colour which could also suggest that the film is more about the actress or could be through her point of view focusing some of the main points solely on her.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Poster Analysis - Bad Boys 2

  • The most eye-catching feature in this poster is the title. It's in large bold font and the use of the color black is though simple yet very effective as it stands out. The name of the film covers up 1/3 of the poster so the emphasis of the title is very important and significant. 
  •  The two actors are back to back which suggests that they look out for each other and are quite close for them to do this. However as one character is facing towards the camera and the other has his back to it, could suggest that one of them turned their backs on the other. 
  •  The actor in front is wearing white and the other is wearing a darker color which puts emphasis on the whole good and evil front implying that one may have more goodness than the other. The good/evil balance is also reflected in the background where one side has flames, ash and altogether is a more darker atmosphere where as the other side has more light on it. 

Friday 7 October 2011

Pister Analysis - Bridesmaid

  • The only two colours in the poster are white and pink suggesting that it’s quite a girly film.
  • The name of the film gives away what the film is going to be about and it’s in a bold font trying to stand out which also suggests that the film is quite in your face sort of thing meaning it stands out and appeals to you.
  • “Save the date” is quite a cheeky quote which has been specifically chosen and put there. This is because people usually remember dates that are special to them such as birthdays, anniversaries etc and so this quote is suggesting that this film is something special and unique so make sure you remember it and have time for it.  
  • The girls are slouching down and showing attitude on their faces showing that’s they are not the typical girls you see in chick flicks and that they are different. The girls are also shown to be quite relaxed which suggests they are not posh high maintenance types.
  • There are 6 girls on the poster and no man which shows that the film is mainly based around these women and their lives. The girls are the main stars in this film and there’s not really a main male lead.
  • There is one girl who is wearing white which is different to the others maybe hinting that she’s the main lead. However she’s got a bit of pink on her dress showing that she’s part of the group.

Monday 3 October 2011

Poster Analysis - Just My Luck

  • The background image is in blue and slightly faded out so that it’s not too noticeable as it’s not the main picture however they want the audience to get an idea of where the film is going to be set. It seems to be shot somewhere in America maybe New York.
  • The boy is turned to his side and is smiling which suggests that he’s a happy character and that he’s quite mature and sophisticated in the way he’s standing.
  • The boy is wearing black clothes which could be interpreted as a dark character however the whole atmosphere of the poster disagrees with this so maybe the dark colour could be something within the film.
  • The girl is wearing pink showing that she’s quite girly however as its light pink and she’s wearing what seems to be a posh coat which makes her seem quite sophisticated and not looking over the top. 
  • The girl is winking which is quite cheeky and suggests that maybe she’s up to something. The wink could also be suggesting that something is going on between her and the boy.
  • The name of the film “Just My Luck” hints at what the film could be about such as maybe being about luck in general however as its in dark pink, it could be about the girls luck in men which could also link it to the wink.