Saturday 15 October 2011

Poster Analysis - The Tuxedo

  • The use of the colors are quite effective as though they are not too bright or bold, they still are able to catch the audience attention by the color mix of green and blue which together work well to create a great color scheme.
  • The artistic image at the background which is quite modernized as its being done on a computer is quite powerful and is able to attract the audience without them realizing it as its in the background. This goes on to also been shown on the actors shoes showing there is a connection. 
  • The film title is also showing what the film is about which is quite a cheeky trick with the 'U' having a bow-tie on it so that the audience automatically knows there is a connection with the tuxedo. 
  • The female actor is standing beside the actor suggesting that she is his sidekick or partner. 
  • As an audience, we know the film will have some sort of action in it as the actor has his foot up in the air as if hes about to kick someone yet he is still smiling showing the sensitive comedy side to it. 

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