Friday 7 October 2011

Pister Analysis - Bridesmaid

  • The only two colours in the poster are white and pink suggesting that it’s quite a girly film.
  • The name of the film gives away what the film is going to be about and it’s in a bold font trying to stand out which also suggests that the film is quite in your face sort of thing meaning it stands out and appeals to you.
  • “Save the date” is quite a cheeky quote which has been specifically chosen and put there. This is because people usually remember dates that are special to them such as birthdays, anniversaries etc and so this quote is suggesting that this film is something special and unique so make sure you remember it and have time for it.  
  • The girls are slouching down and showing attitude on their faces showing that’s they are not the typical girls you see in chick flicks and that they are different. The girls are also shown to be quite relaxed which suggests they are not posh high maintenance types.
  • There are 6 girls on the poster and no man which shows that the film is mainly based around these women and their lives. The girls are the main stars in this film and there’s not really a main male lead.
  • There is one girl who is wearing white which is different to the others maybe hinting that she’s the main lead. However she’s got a bit of pink on her dress showing that she’s part of the group.

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