Sunday 9 October 2011

Poster Analysis - Bad Boys 2

  • The most eye-catching feature in this poster is the title. It's in large bold font and the use of the color black is though simple yet very effective as it stands out. The name of the film covers up 1/3 of the poster so the emphasis of the title is very important and significant. 
  •  The two actors are back to back which suggests that they look out for each other and are quite close for them to do this. However as one character is facing towards the camera and the other has his back to it, could suggest that one of them turned their backs on the other. 
  •  The actor in front is wearing white and the other is wearing a darker color which puts emphasis on the whole good and evil front implying that one may have more goodness than the other. The good/evil balance is also reflected in the background where one side has flames, ash and altogether is a more darker atmosphere where as the other side has more light on it. 

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