Thursday 8 March 2012

Audience Feedback - Poster

We asked several different people for their opinions on our end pieces so that we could know if they had the positive affect that we wanted. Here are some of their comments they wrote:

Wahida Ali 

"Wow!! This looks really fabulous, you can't tell that its not a real from a real film. I'm not usually a fan of scary films but this looks unique and different and I would go to check it out"

Aziza Ali

"SCARYY!! I LOVE IT! Im definitely going to go watch that."

Raheem Hussain 

"This looks like a sick movie. I would definitely watch it in cinemas. Better be as creepy and scay as it looks"

Waseem Aziz 

"The effects look sick and proper cool. The name is quite catchy too which makes me want to watch it so that I know what happens it it"

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