Friday 16 March 2012

Audience Feedback - Trailer

Below are some comments from the audience and their ratings.

Abdullah Afsar 

"The trailer is quite effective and is intense. It builds suspense which I really like as its not putting to much detail on what the film is about. I prefer films to be like that as that way its leave mystery behind and encourages me to watch it. I would give it a 8/10."

Wahida Ali

"Was quite scared for a bit. It doesn't show gory and blood which i prefer so I would go with my friends to watch it as it seems quite interesting. 7/10"

Shazia Akther

"I really like horror films and this trailer is different from the usual ones you see which is quite persuasive. If the trailer is good, I find that most of the time, the actual film is great as well and I would definitely give this film a go. Its not got much bloodshed which is something I think stands out in horror films but what I've seen, I would watch it in the cinemas. 8/10"

Waseem Aziz 

"Not enough blood and scary scenes for me but its quite intense. Wouldn't go cinema to watch it but would watching if it came on t.v. 6/10."

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