Tuesday 27 March 2012

Evaluation - Question 1

1. In what ways does you media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In the start of my trailer, I started with the shots of the location so that my audience can get to know the area of where the action will be taking place and as its a significant part of the trailer and its necessary for it to be put into the audience's mind. Other trailers use this technique as well such as Wrong Turn which as soon as the trailer starts, its in the main location of the film e.g. the woods. I also wanted to use this technique ion my trailer so that the audience get a feel of the atmosphere from the start.

The way the characters are introduced is always significant so that the audience is mentally able to decide who plays what role in the film which helps them get closer to them mentally. In nearly most of the trailers, the main actor is introduced straight away so the audience know who the film is about. This technique is also shown in the trailer of Scream 4 when the main actresses voice is the first to be heard and her been shown herself.

The title of the film was important that it matches the mood of the overall trailer. Our title is in a sort of cracked up font where it seems to be falling apart and old. This effect is quite spooky and highlights the whole scary, dim and chilling-ness of the trailer. We chose to put it at the end of the trailer and in a sudden way so that it blows up in front of the audience's eyes and sticks in their mind. Many other trailers also do this as its a perfect way to stick it into the audience's mind. The overall image of it tells a bit about the trailer as the color of it is pure white and it stands on a black background which is very common as this attracting.

Many horror films edit their trailers to start off with a calm pace and then suddenly go into a quick, fast cuts sequence with little time to take in everything before the next scene starts. this builds up adrenaline and encourages the audience to get into it. This is the same effect we wanted to create and therefore we also did the same by adding fast cut scenes running at a quick pace however we wanted our audience to intercept whats happening therefore didn't rush it too much.

The music was one of our best features which we got from Royalty Free Music sites. It was intense and quite chilling which is the effect we wanted to create.

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