Thursday 29 March 2012

Evaluation - Question 3

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Audience feedback was an important task to do because it help me in knowing whether or not I  succeeded in being able to carry out and produce the products to the effect that I wanted. This also helped in knowing whether I had progressed over the last year in the skills that I picked up last year.

I gathered around a few people from my target audience and put in front of them the products that I produced. I then asked them to write comments down on what they thought about the products. It was quite interesting to see how people's opinions varied between the products. Some preferred the one product better than the other even though the similarities between them were recognizable from afar. However its certain features that attract different people with some saying they liked the colors and some liking the images

In general, the feedback I got was positive and it also helped me in knowing where I have been able to grow with my techniques and what knowledge I have been able to gain this year.

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