Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation - Question 4

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

The start of the coursework began with the research and planning stage where i had to find out as much information on the products that I will be creating. I looked at different trailers from some of the main genres to help decide in which genre i prefer the most and then once decided, I concentrated on my chosen gene. I also looked up and analysed the similar products of the ancillary tasks which helped in getting a bit better insight of what I need to do. This was all research found mainly on the internet however I also looked at some magazines and posters that I found lying around the house too.

The filming and editing part of the project was much easier and simpler this time round as I was already experienced with it. Though we did try to research up on the different location spots and settings on the internet, it was important for us to actually go to these places ourselves so that we could see if it would fit our criteria. Clothing and props were all researched up on the internet as well as real life experience. As youngsters ourselves, we also know what the audience would prefer the most and which factors attract them more. We used different program mes on the Mac to create the various features on the products such as Photoshop when creating and manipulating the images.

Evaluation was mostly based on the audience feedback and my own opinion and experience of the whole project.I had to personally gather round my audience and get them to write what they liked and disliked. I then analysed and made a final comment on the overall feedback.

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